Ph.D. in Economics, Uk. During his professional career of more than 20 years, he occupied a chair in the Society for Latin-American Studies (SLAS) in London in 2005. He has served as CABEI's Sector Specialist and acted as its Chief Economist in 2012. He is currently Chief of the Independent Evaluation Office at CABEI, reporting to its Board of Directors.
As manager he was responsible for the creation and the implementation of the Development Impact Evaluation System of the Bank, during his period the institution has evaluated more than 280 initiatives, for more than US$ 15,000 million (ex ante, progress and ex post; before-after, cuasi-experimental, among others), several country programme evaluations, sectoral evaluations, policy evaluations and corporate strategy evaluations.
During his previous experiences he worked and made publications for institutions such as ASONOG/Oxfam in Honduras and ATRIDEST in El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala; the Center for the Competitiveness of Eco-enterprises at CATIE, Costa Rica; he occupied a chair in the Society for Latin American Studies (SLAS) in London as President of the Latin-American Researchers, presenting papers in Cambridge University and University of Portsmouth; the Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International (FLO), Germany.
One of his major publications is the Book: The Central American Common Market (CACM): An Evaluation of Economic Integration and Competitiveness (2012). Recently he presented an article during the XVIII World Economic History Congress 2018, MIT, USA. Presenter at the Asian Evaluation Week 2019 (AEW), China, in a joint session CABEI-OECD named “Applying quality standards to improve credibility and use of evaluations (OECD-DAC) – experience of CABEI in Central America” and Panellist with the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank denominated "Two to tango – an evaluation of the World Bank Group’s support to fostering regional integration". Currently is under the process of publication of his article “The Central American Bank for Economic Integration and its important role in regional integration and development” for Oxford University Press.
Contácte a José Efraín Deras
José Efraín Deras
Chief of the Independent Evaluation Office
Telephone: +504 2240-2243